Thursday, April 26, 2018

Libraries in the Digital Age

This era is influenced by our digital environment, students access information much differently than in other periods in time, and library sources and services must meet their needs.  School libraries can meet the needs of students by modernizing or adapting a library web page.

In “Your Library Goes Virtual,” Audrey Church, recommends using “the school library webpage as an opportunity to inform, guide, and instruct.”

The goal of libraries is to promote reading and supporting research which can be achieved in a virtual setting in today’s digital environment.

There are some different ways to promote reading by adapting a virtual library, such as,
·      Access to Online Catalog, 24/7
·      eBooks, providing and having accessibility to different materials in different formats
·      Reading List, having suggestions for different reading sources for different Reading Grade Levels
·      Book Recommendations, giving students the opportunity to have a voice in their school community by providing opinions and suggestions.

Supporting Research can be achieved by
·      Subscription Databases, having links & basic description for students for educational research
·      Curriculum Related Web Sites, subscription link to a product,
Examples: NetTrekker & Gale’s Web Feet
·      Information Literacy Skills, a pathfinder for everyday research having instructional 
     guides for effective research.

Keep in mind the importance of having a webpage that has a mission, easy access to search and simple navigation. 

Work Cited

Church, Audrey. "Your Library Goes Virtual: Promoting Reading and Supporting Research." Library 
     Media Connection, vol. 25, no. 3, 01 Jan. 20006, pp. 10-13. EBSCO host
     direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ762347&site=ehost-live&scope=site. Accessed 26 Apr. 2018.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that a vibrant online resource is important for libraries to have available.


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