Thursday, April 26, 2018

Presentation Tools in Libraries

The Every Child Ready to Read tool kit was first introduced in 2011, however, the second edition is currently available and can be purchased through the American Library Association. According to the Association for Library Services to Children (ALSC) and the Public Library Association (PLA), “the tool kit includes research information that enables public libraries and early literacy centers to present workshops which help parents/caregivers with the development of early literacy by incorporating five practices: talking, singing, reading, writing, and playing to develop language and pre-reading skills in children from birth to age five.”

In the article, “Every Child Ready to Read,” Dorothy Stoltz, an outreach coordinator for Carrol County Public Library uses the kit to instruct parents in low income and low education communities as a tool to help parent and children learn fundamental principles and skill of early literacy development. She uses PowerPoint slides from the kit to create fun activities at the library. (Stoltz 25)

Every Child Ready to Read took kit is a great source to build relationships with parents and caregivers at a public library. A library changes with time and adapts to the needs of the community. The library environment has changed to include play times, sing-a-long-time in order to create a more inviting place for children and parents while developing educational skills necessary for early development in children.

The toolkit is available in English and Spanish and can be purchased through the American Library Association webpage.

Work Cited

American Library Association. “Every Child Ready to Read, Second Edition Kit.”

Seminole County Public Library Systems. “Storytime Reading.” Youtube, 2 Dec. 2015,

St. Mary’s County Library. “Introduction- Every Child Ready to Read.” Youtube, 27 Feb. 2015.  

Stoltz, Dorothy. “Every child ready to read engaging parents, reenergizing librarians.” Eric, Children
    LibrariesThe Journal of the Association for Library Services to ChildrenSummer/Fall 2013, pp.


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