Thursday, April 26, 2018

Digital Storytelling is for All Ages

“If interactions with digital media blur academic boundaries for experienced professors, what effect does it have on younger generations who grew up with it?” (Sukovik 2014). 

Digital Storytelling is used to tell short stories using technology. They can include text, pictures, sound, and video, but have an overall narrative. 

A study was done in Australia, encouraging high school students to read and write while boosting creativity and interest in reading. They were to take a part of a favorite book, focus on something in the book that was not explained or focused on by the author, then expand on that topic. It could explore a background character, provide an alternate ending or go off in another direction entirely. The students simply had to include different elements in digital format, whether it be photos, movie editing, video, etc.
 “While an ability to work ‘across’ the field does not necessarily make one creative, it is nonetheless a powerful enabler of creativity” (Sukovik 2014).

While the studies found that confidence with electronics and group and individual work ethic impacted the work, all students gained knowledge and ability in categories that were measured, such as Writing, visual expression and modes of communication and IT Skills.

M. (2009, June 11). Retrieved April 24, 2018, from

Suzana Sukovic (2014) iTell: Transliteracy and Digital Storytelling, Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 45:3, 205-229, DOI: 10.1080/00048623.2014.951114

M. (2009, June 11). Retrieved April 24, 2018, from

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Gadget - Google Translate

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