Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Hello my name is Hope Sanford and like many of you I am new to the world of blogging!  I enjoy all forms of technology and love the way it enhances life and puts a world of knowledge at my fingertips.  I am really looking forward to learning this new medium and adding it to the newly acquired and ever growing list of skills that I am attaining in this course.  I added a description to the header but I was unable to figure out how to change the font so it doesn't blend into the background.  If anyone has a solution please feel free to make the change.  I also changed the navigation bar theme so that the wording stands out.  I'm sure there will be more changes to come as we fine tune our blog.

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Gadget - Google Translate

The gadget I added is Google Translate. I have some family members who don't speak English, it is help for them to be able to read blogs...